Max was born August 15, 1923 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was raised in a strictly kosher home with a Zionist father. He was in ROTC at the University of Wisconsin and was sent for basic training in Ft. Lewis, Washington. The General recognized his high IQ and asked him to oversee the training of others. He was transferred to South Dakota and then to Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri.

In 1944, Max was shipped to England on the Liberty Ship. He became one of the first foot soldiers sent into Normandy, France on D-Day. Ultimately, he was shipped to the coast of France where he fought his way north to the border of Germany. Max was told his chance of survival was slim as they fought the Battle of the Bulge. The battle was rough and the troops ran out of supplies, and the Germans captured them. Luckily, Max’s Jewish heritage was not discovered thanks to his blonde hair and blue eyes.

Many soldiers died in the boxcars during transport. They were eventually taken to Dobeln, a small German village, where they worked in a labor camp. Max tried escaping from this labor camp and was successful, but then he was recaptured. Max escaped again and was finally sent home. In November 1945, he received an honorable discharge and began his life again in Milwaukee. Max finished his degree and married his wife, Doris and started a family.

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